Saturday, July 17, 2010

BrainBank: Deadly Fiber Optics Edition

I don't normally give any weapons outside of a videogame a separate glance, though I know a lot of nerds go ga-ga over them. This, however, definitely caught my eye; it looks exactly like the glass knife from the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, but is actually infinitely cooler.

This knife is actually made from fiber optic glass, using a process called "knapping," an ancient technique for shaping stone into usable tools. In order to have a stable weapon it has to be ground down to a certain level of dullness, but apparently straight-up glass flakes have what is called a monomolecular edge, which is exactly as awesome as it sounds, parting cells so cleanly that the cuts heal with incredible efficiency; they're occasionally used in surgery because of the fast recovery time, but they get really dull really fast.

The more you know!

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