Thursday, February 17, 2011

Digital Compositing: Week Six

Good news, everyone! I've made headway on two of my pressing concerns; first and foremost, access to proper costumes to outfit my actors in for the green screen shooting I need to do imminently. My sister's in the drama department of her high school and works for a theater, so I should be able to get the costumes I need when I go home this weekend.

Additionally, Blaise tentatively agreed to play the butler in my piece, so I now have a distinguished older gentleman to draw upon. I'd have asked Ted Artz but I figured if I did a bad job on the green screening it'd be more of a personal affront.

Since this week was mostly planning and I more or less have a handle on how to handle green screening and some of the motion graphics work I'm going to need, I just focused on actually defining my superhero for this week. I have a persona worked out with a logo, which I'll show shortly.

In order to correctly capture the feeling of the original masterpiece I managed to hunt down and get a digital rip of an Adam West Batman VHS tape, and design my logo accordingly, as well as compile a bunch of reference pictures for transitions, shoddy animations, and narration.

Below is a comparison of the original Batman logo and the logo I came up with.


I also took a look at, in no particular order: some of the goofy labeling of props; the sound FX cards; the 'Starring' card which I'm definitely going to reproduce with Dave smiling creepily at the camera; the scene transition image; the narrator's final words; and the end credits of the show.

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