Saturday, June 26, 2010

BrainBank: I For One Welcome Our Benevolent Feline Overlords Edition

I've seen this floating around the internet for a few days, but I didn't actually read the associated article until about twenty minutes ago at five o'clock.

This is indeed an authentic bionic cat, a cat which lost its two back legs and had them replaced by advanced prostheses. Now, this is cool enough as it is and excellent meme fodder, but it is the particular way in which these prostheses function that is interesting, since similar devices are being trialed with humans.

As opposed to traditional aids, these are implanted in such a way that the body should theoretically accept this component and even start to grow skin (and fur, for the kitty) along the prosthetic limbs. In other words, the end result for Oscar the Bionic Cat would be at least somewhat-natural looking well-integrated legs and even paws, according to the article I read. Now, I don't know how well this would work for humans with our well-articulated hands and feet and lack of fur to cover things up, but the possibilities are still pretty darn cool.

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