Sunday, June 27, 2010

Problems (or: I Got 99 Problems But A List Ain't One)

Ah, problems. For every one you solve, four more of greater magnitude arise. Still, there are some overarching problems that dog me at present, which I have narrowed down to present in a concise randomized list:

1. I like to write, but I rarely do in any directed fashion. I'd like to write a novel; possibly a Choose Your Own Adventure of some variety, as I greatly enjoyed those when I was younger and the genre is quite lacking following the 80's. 

2. I like to eat unhealthy but delicious foods, but do not want to spill over into two chairs in a couple of years. To that end I need to start exercising regularly, and establish some sort of dietary plan that doesn't involve sacrificing my happiness as a man.

3. I need to pursue every possible avenue for co-op, chasing down potential contacts and knocking on the virtual doors of a host of gaming and other media companies.

4. I really do need to find out what my optimal time of day for work is, as purportedly such a thing exists uniquely for all individuals. I've never bothered to keep track of my 'Eureka!' moments when I sink my teeth into a task and look up seven hours later to find that the sun has waned in the sky.

5.  I need to remember birthdays and other events of significance, Mother's Day, Father's Day, etc. I've hit more than I've missed recently, but that's like saying I save more trees than I kill. Either way concerned parties aren't very happy with me. At odds with this is my general disaffection for social networking sites, which I have to admit are pretty good about tracking that sort of thing.

6. I need to get on a more normal sleep schedule. I may enjoy the fact that on my days I don't have to wake up until the crack of noon, but this only means that I wind up staying up that much later; and I've found the closer you get to sleeping in some absurd amount the more the noises and other sleep-disruptors pile up, the more campus events you miss, and the less inclined you are to eat a balanced breakfast.

7. I need to find more clubs and actually attend meetings; I find that the moment I miss one meeting for a club I find it much harder to drag myself away from whatever project I'm working on or game I'm playing and truck over to socialize with people that share my interests.

8. I need to establish a corner of the web for myself and optimally build it enough relevance to show up on peoples' radar. I'm slowly but surely getting together the material, now I need to properly display it.

9. On a related note, I need to research and put together the most flattering reel possible that astutely and succinctly shows off the highlights of my media accomplishments.

10. I'm not even sure how to begin to go about this, but I need to somehow catalog every word that has made its way into my vocabulary and figure out the correct pronunciation for everything. I feel endlessly foolish when I badly mispronounce and mangle an innocent adjective or three in the space of  a few minutes.

There you have it, voyeur of my innermost turmoils. Hopefully this list will shrink significantly before I have more items to append to it.

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