Monday, July 5, 2010

BrainBank: Heavy is Credit to Team Edition

See that, to the left? Not the tank, or the airplane, the strange tapered monolith that looks almost like a giant bullet. Well, those aren't scale models next to a bullet. No, that is actually a giant bullet, made for the largest gun ever fired in combat: Germany's "Heavy Gustav."

Some quick statistics: each round for the Gustav was 11 feet long and almost 3 feet wide, and could be fired 21 miles from the Gustav. However, they also took a staggering half an hour to load, in addition to the 250 soldiers needed to get the gun assembled and the 2,500 men needed to lay down the rails that allowed the 150 feet-long 2.7 million pound gun to actually be moved around.

If this thing isn't compensating for something, I don't know what is. On the other hand, I totally want to see this added to Team Fortress 2 as a weapon for the Heavy.

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