Monday, August 23, 2010

BrainBank Analysis

Looking back through all of my BrainBank entries, I can discern myriad categories into which the focus of my internet could lay. There are three recurring themes, however, that dog all of my submissions.

Visual Palette

Emotional Tone

Technology as Art

From these three themes, I can further narrow things down to several specific components that pop up repeatedly.

Visual Palette
Cartoonish hues
Neon colors

Emotional Tone

Technology as Art
Re-purposing technologies

As I listed these off, none of them really rang true in regard to my writing project-- until the very last entry. I'm always enamored of the creative uses people find for technologies; even if I'm writing a fantasy story, there are still plenty of instances where this creativity could apply. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic," or something such as that-- so I should endeavor to find some creative uses for any magic or technology that has crept into my setting.


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