Monday, August 23, 2010

Taking a Thought Walk

I took a walk to nowhere in particular recently, just wandering on and around Drexel's campus and eventually gravitating over to the greener pastures of the University of Pennsylvania.

As I walked, I thought about random things in my life, occasionally casting my gaze around the landscape. A few items of interest momentarily broke my reverie:

- a hefty gentlemen jogging past
My first thought is always 'well, that is a hefty gentlemen', but then after that I realize 'that is a hefty gentlemen getting far more exercise than I've gotten today', and then I feel bad.

- a discarded, half-full Coca-Cola bottle
Why would someone waste half of a Coca-cola bottle? I mean, I could understand wasting some sort of nasty energy drink or vitamin water, but that's just not cool. Ack, I nearly tripped while looking at the stupid bottle.

- a squirrel
It was just standing there on its hind legs, standing up as straight as humanly possible, staring very intently off into space. Normally squirrels are at least looking at something, like a tree or a blade of grass or what have you, but this one was just smack-daub in the middle of the walkway outside of Nesbitt staring up into space.

- a butterfly
I saw a flutter out of the corner of my eye, and then two elderly ladies walking past commented "Hey, a butterfly." And lo, it was so. I didn't get a very good luck at it before it fluttered away, but there are so few butterflies in Philly, from what I've seen, that it still merits a mention.

- a sports car
It was a really cool car, and I had nothing better to do but stare at cars as I was waiting for the light to turn. The driver was going way too fast.

That's about everything of interest that I noted down. There's something intrinsically beautiful about a butterfly, despite it basically just being a more brightly-colored version of a moth (which gets no love), so I could definitely catch my in-story character's attention with a butterfly.

Which could be a trap! Dun-dun-duuuun.

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